module Schema #


The unipipe module name

Abstract Extensible Status Identifiable Custom Properties Additional Properties Access Restrictions Defined In
Can be instantiated No Unknown status Unknown identifiability Forbidden Allowed none specSchema.schema.json*

module Type #

unknown (module)

module Constraints #

enum: the value of this property must be equal to one of the following values:

Value Explanation
"timeFilter" Filter rows by start and end time
"jqRow" Apply JQ expressions to data
"python" Bridge to python
"azureEventHub" Azure Event Hub
"aggregation" Calculate aggregated statistics
"replayTiming" Replay existing datasets
"wkt" TODO
"geofence" Detect entry and exit of defined areas
"stationaryTime" TODO
"pick" Select properties to retain
"throttle" TODO
"statelessToGeojson" SensorThings Integration
"velocity" Calculate the velocity of assets
"accumulator" Store state data over multiple iterations
"jsonataRow" Apply JSONata expressions to data
"state" Finite state machine
"group" Aggregate by common property
"rollup" Summarize by common property
"order" Sort data by property
"timingSignpost" Schedule data events
"snapshot" TODO
"sequence" Order processing steps
"multiplexer" Interleave data from different sources
"prologue" Process steps before the first data is seen
"triggerPipeline" Event driven processing steps
"testError" TODO
"schedule" Schedule processing steps
"webhook" Trigger a remote process
"awsSes" AWS Simple Email Service notification
"awsLambda" AWS Lambda execution
"awsDynamo" AWS DynamoDB operation
"geokdbush" TODO
"pointInPolygon" Detect whether a data point is inside a region
"polygonLookup" TODO
"echo" TODO
"jsonToArrow" Converts JSON to Arrow format
"arrowToJson" Converts Arrow to JSON format
"arquero" Performs arquero operations